
The "Documents DIscovery through Semantic KnOwledge" aims to provide on-demand semantic tools to end users, institutions, portals, etc., to enable information discovery, semantic entrenchment, and summarization activities based on unstructured information. The services delivered by DISKO can be used by cultural operators who need to build systems for processing unstructured information, making it usable and reusable in the domain of cultural tourism and culture in general.


The DISKO project aims to provide on-demand semantic tools to end users, institutions, portals, etc., to enable information discovery, semantic entrenchment, and summarization activities based on unstructured information. The services delivered by DISKO can be used by cultural operators who need to build systems for processing unstructured information, making it usable and reusable in the domain of cultural tourism and culture in general.

DISKO is a platform for the generation of new KMS solutions aimed at supporting the day-to-day work, in the first instance, of cultural and tourism operators to help them keep up-to-date, with the available resources, the information relevant to their activities, through a simple but powerful service provided through a cloud-based infrastructure.

In the conception of DISKO, we have focused on the aspect of creating intelligent search
intelligent search systems that offer users results in a proactive way and - on demand - also in a summarized way. We will follow an ontology-based approach to model information resources, implementing an architecture based on logical processing layers: semi-automatic media management and annotation (text documents, word, pdf etc, but also audio, video, images); semantic smart library, summarization; intelligent retrival systems, clustering; rule-based system based on events for information proactivity; semantic media navigation.

The evaluation in operational areas will be used to evaluate the usefulness of DISKO for the management of cultural tourism operators and knowledge managers.


  • In.Tel.Tec. S.p.A. Sistemi Informativi (lead partner);
  • CINI
  • Consorzio Stabile Glossa


Total project amount: 433.204,50


Start Date: 01/01/2015 End Date:


Prof. Antonio Picariello