The project "PREdictive models for Debt scorIng and Cti Optimization" has the aim of creating a software module which, powered by engines that exploit the interaction of different artificial intelligence algorithms and integrating two platforms dedicated one to the management of debt collection and the other to the management of competence centers, organizes, through clustering systems and subsequent feeding of a predictive telephone system, the phases and strategies of debt processing.
The project "PREdictive models for Debt scorIng and Cti Optimization" has the aim of creating a software module which, powered by engines that exploit the interaction of different artificial intelligence algorithms and integrating two platforms dedicated one to the management of debt collection and the other to the management of competence centers, organizes, through clustering systems and subsequent feeding of a predictive telephone system, the phases and strategies of debt processing
The project aims to achieve two main objectives:
- Efficient processing of credit recovery practices through the optimization and automation of the analysis of the entrusted portfolio, of the processing strategies applied and of the maximization of the performance of the individual operators engaged through the implementation of predictive algorithmic techniques, modeling of statistical weights and merit (debt scoring) constantly updated thanks to the integration with competence center platforms.
- Reduction and efficiency of costs and maximization of investments in the work management activities of the structures of the implementation of mathematical modeling and scheduling techniques.
- NETTUNO SOLUTIONS srl (lead partner);
Total project amount: 1.053.000
Start Date: 01/01/2015 End Date:
Prof. Carlo Sansone